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With a subsciption you can also get current data in our SimBrief product, and a wide range of direct integrations including X-Plane Mobile and Volanta. To get started, read more about the coverage and then subscribe, and when you are ready you can download data in the various addon formats using our Navdata apps, or, if you prefer, our individual data installers. The source data is tested and parsed into different data formats adapted to specific addon software designed to increase the realism of flight simulation. Our Navdata product is sourced from Jeppesen, a professional navdata provider for major airlines worldwide. Navigraph has provided navdata to the flight simulation community since October 2006 after the merger with Richard Stefan of NAVData-Service who had previously worked on similar data processing since 1999. Subsequently the data contains a massive amount of information to determine not only location of airports and waypoints, but also surface type and slope of runways, the layout of airport gates, navaid frequencies, holding patterns, obstacles close to defined routes, and much more. Navdata (also known as FMS Data) is a general purpose dataset used for in a wide array of applications ranging from flight planning systems in the operations office to various navigational and performance systems onboard.